Phil Roberts
Phil Roberts


In Fall of 2006 the college hired Phil Roberts as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach. Chaffey College is one of only a few community colleges that employs a tenured faculty member particularly for the purpose of working with athletes. Phil currently works with football baseball softball volleyball women's water polo and men's soccer.  He also works with several of the college’s athletes and the general student population with strength and conditioning. He is knowledgeable in all sports education and addresses athletes’ needs specific to their sport. Phil also teaches introductory classes in Kinesiology.  "Coach Rob" as the students like to call him has been at Chaffey for over 15 years and has reached professor status. 

Phil has almost 25 years of experience and excellent educational training. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Kansas State University and a Masters of Science degree in physical education from Northwest Missouri State University. He is also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and has certification from USAWeight Lifting. Phil and wife Sara reside in Rancho Cucamonga and have two beautiful children, Cecilia and Houston.